7th International Exhibition "Transport of Russia"
December 5 – 7, 2013, Gostiny Dvor Complex
The exhibition aims to promote a dialogue between business and the government to jointly resolve the challenges facing the Russian transport industry.
Exhibition goals:
- to demonstrate innovative developments in the transport sector and infrastructure projects
- to assist in raising funds for transport sector projects
- to facilitate the establishment and development of interregional and inter-industry partnerships
- to promote the integration of Russian transport into the international transport system
Exhibition themes:
Infrastructureroads and railways |
Transport Servicesfreight and passenger transport |
Engineeringproduction of transport vehicles |
Technology and Communicationsintelligent control systems |
Transport Scienceuniversity activities |
Regional Projectstransport infrastructure |
Profile of exhibition participants
- Manufacturers of transport vehicles
- Freight and passenger carriers
- Transport infrastructure owners and operators
- Regions offering significant infrastructure projects
- Investment companies and banks
- Construction organizations
- Manufacturers and suppliers of communications systems and equipment, security systems and signaling devices
- Repair and maintenance companies
- Logistics companies
- Insurance companies
- Research institutions
- Educational institutions
- Specialized media
Profile of exhibition visitors
- Representatives of the Russian federal executive authorities
- Regional leaders
- Executives of regional transport agencies
- Representatives of transport companies
- Representatives of freight owners
- Representatives of financial institutions