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Business Partners
General Partner

JSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest rail corporations. It handles colossal volumes of passenger and freight traffic; it's been awarded the highest financial rating plaudits; its staff are the most exceptionally-qualified experts in all spheres of rail transport; it can call upon an impressive range of scientific and technical resources; and alongside its extensive ongoing building and development plans, it has great experience in international cooperation.
The company's mission lies in meeting market demands for transportation, increasing the efficiency of its operations, maintaining high-quality services and deep-level integration in Eurasian transport systems.
The company's core objectives lie in catering to the State's, businesses' and individuals' transportation needs; providing works and services conducted by rail; and ensuring that its operations are profitable.
The company's strategic goals are -
- expanding the scale of the transport business;
- improving the company's performance and financial efficiency;
- raising service and security standards;
- deep-level integration in Eurasian transport systems;
- increasing the company's financial results and economic performance.
General Bank

State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)" was established in 2007 in conformity with Federal Law On Bank for Development" through a transformation of Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR.
Bank for Development is one of the key instruments for implementing the state economic policy aimed at removing infrastructure restrictions that impede economic growth, enhancing efficient utilization of natural resources, developing high-tech industries, unleashing innovative and industrial potential of small - and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and ensuring support for exports of industrial goods and services.
In its investment activities, Vnesheconombank gives priority to the following industries:
- aircraft industry and space and missile complex;
- shipbuilding;
- electronics;
- nuclear industry, inclusive of nuclear power;
- heavy, transport, special and power engineering industry;
- metallurgy (special steel production);
- wood-working industry;
- military-industrial complex;
- agro-industrial complex;
- strategic computer technologies and software;
- information and communication systems;
- medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.
Vnesheconombank participates in implementing projects that are of priority importance for the development of Russia's economy, but which, for a number of reasons (huge volumes of investment resources required, complexity, long payback periods) experience resource shortage. Vnesheconombank delivers support for projects both through directly extended loans and credits, including project co-financing with other financial institutions, and by issuing guarantees and sureties.
www.veb.ruStrategic Partner

FSUE "Rosmorport" is a backbone enterprise of a port sector established in 2003 in order to contribute to the development of the state management system in the sea ports of Russia.
The enterprise operates in 57 out of 67 sea ports of the country and consists of its headquarters and 16 branches located in 19 regions of the Russian Federation where over 6 thousand workers are employed.
The enterprise's major tasks are providing navigation safety in the sea ports and at the approaches, port infrastructure development and ensuring higher competitiveness of the Russian sea ports by means of effective use and development of the federal property.
FSUE "Rosmorport" is the biggest title owner in Russia of the coastal and port infrastructure facilities, auxiliary and diesel icebreaker fleet.
A fleet of 29 icebreakers of different capacity and types, the biggest one in the world, is in the enterprise's economical management. Annually the FSUE "Rosmorport" icebreakers perform about 10 thousand ice escorts providing carriage of more than 70 million tons of cargo by the transport fleet and the year-round availability of the sea ports of Russia.
Since 2005 the enterprise has invested about 100 billion rubles in the sea port infrastructure development.
Further development of the Russian port capacity, according to FSUE "Rosmorport", will be promoted by approving of the Strategy of development of sea port infrastructure of Russia up to 2030, the project of which has been drafted by FSUE "Rosmorport" and is currently under consideration of the Government of Russia.
www.rosmorport.ruGeneral Sponsor

Sibmost JSC is one of the leading bridge-building enterprises in the country, that on the basis of modern structures, materials, equipment and technologies implementation and usage provides the full complex of works on construction, reconstruction and repairing of highway and railroads with artificial constructions, bridges, overhead roads, flight strips, airports.
«Sibmost» constructed in Russia and CIS countries more than 4100 bridges and over roads with total length more than 400 km.
Sibmost JSC operates in 12 regions of Russia. The main customers of the Company are RF Ministry of transport, «RZD» OJSC, the Ministry of economic development and trade. Thanks to its production capacity and equipment capabilities, the Company may easily perform the scope of construction and installation works for more than 20 billion roubles per year.
www.sibmost.ruGeneral Sponsor

Russia's largest shipping company and one of the largest five global leaders in seaborne energy solutions. Specializes in the transportation of crude oil, petroleum products and liquefied natural gas;
The Group offers a wide range of marine services for offshore upstream oil & gas projects. The company's fleet includes 158 vessels with a total deadweight of more than 12 million tonnes;
The newest, most technically advanced and rapidly growing fleet in the world – the average age of vessels is 7,7 years;
The company services the largest offshore oil&gas projects in the world (current and prospective) - Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2, Varandey, Tangguh, Peregrino, Prirazlomnoye, Yamal LNG, Shtokman;
A key player in the development of Arctic navigation. SCF Group has opened up the Northern Sea Route for large-capacity cargo shipments and is steadily increasing its presence in the segments of marine logistics and supply services for the development of the largest hydrocarbon deposits of the Arctic region.
www.sovcomflot.ruGeneral Sponsor

Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC (TSM) is part of Mostotrest Group. The company specializes in the construction and reconstruction/renovation of automobile roads and airports. TSM is the general contractor of the Moscow-St Petersburg Highway construction sire and the M-11"Narva" Highway renovation. As a general contractor, TSM is carrying out the reconstruction of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo and Saratov airports, as well as the construction and renovation of the M-4 "Don", M-5 "Ural", M-9 "Baltic", and M-10 "Russia" highways. TSM has its own accredited construction laboratory and geodetic group, as well as a park of up-to-date road construction equipment. The use of progressive technologies and innovations in construction projects allows Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC to implement large-scale projects over short periods of time while ensuring quality that meets international standards.
www.tsm.msk.ruGeneral of Registartion

The SK MOST Group of Companies is one of the leading Russian construction companies. Founded in 1991. SK MOST Encompasses 15 bridge construction branches and 7 tunnel subdivisions. Specializes in the construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure - roads and railways, bridges, tunnels, subways.
The largest construction projects of SK MOST Group of companies are:
- bridge crossing to the Russkiy Island over the Eastern Bosporus Strait;
- combined (rail and motor) road from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana;
- new Kuznetsovsky railway tunnel;
- subway sections in Moscow;
- reconstruction of Roki Tunnel.


LLC «RUSENERGOSBYT» was established in 2002 by ESN Group and the European power company ENEL. Today «RUSENERGOSBYT» is one of the largest energy supply companies operating in the Russian Federation.
The company supplies electricity to more than 60 regions from Saint Petersburg to the Far East. «RUSENERGOSBYT» operates as a Guarantee Supplier on the federal level having obtained this status in the territory of 18 constituents of the Russian Federation.
Client portfolio of «RUSENERGOSBYT» consists of more than 200 thousand customers including strategic corporations of the country, small and medium enterprises, residentials. Among «RUSENERGOSBYT» key clients – JSC Russian Railways, JSC KAMAZ, GAZ Group, OJSC SOLLERS, Air Liquide Group, retail chain MAGNIT. Annual volume of sales exceeds 50 bln kWh.
The key business goal of «RUSENERGOSBYT» is minimizing costs for our customers and developing an extensive infrastructure for building long-term relationships with consumers.


MDC-GROUP is a multi-industry engineering holding, specializing at managing complex building and reconstruction projects of transport infrastructure. It joints 12 companies where more than 2500 highly qualified specialists work. The area of the MDС-GROUP units includes more than 40 regions of country from Murmansk to Magadan. The annual output goes beyond 12 milliard rubles.

Makhachkala Sea Trade Port is located on crossing long since the existing of transport routes, holding an advantageous position, has rather well-developed infrastructure, works that is important, in the year-round mode. Today, acting as one of the main components of transportation of general cargo, the Caspian oil and oil products from Kazakhstan, Iran and Turkmenistan, the port of Makhachkala gains special importance in modern conditions for cooperation of our countries.
The dry-cargo harbor of port consists of moorings for general, bulk cargoes and containers, railway and the car ferry terminal, the grain terminal with a general power up to 3,1 million tons per year. The oil harbor of the port is a modern specialized transshipment facility for transfering of light and dark oil products, 7,9 million tons per year.
Further development and modernization of the sea port industry of Makhachkala will be carried out on the basis of the Programs which are already accepted and being at a stage of realization, taking into account perspective international transport lines, proceeding from the planned integration of the Russian Federation into the world system of freight transportation.

The company was founded in 1956, carries out construction and reconstruction of roads, runways, bridges, overpasses, underground and elevated pedestrian crossings, hydraulic structures, and civil works for civil and industrial facilities. Commenced more than 400 projects, 2000 km of roads of higher categories, including sections of M-2, M-4, M-5 federal highways, MKAD and more than 1500 km of roads of 3-4 categories. Have constructed 250 bridges and overpasses, completed the construction and reconstruction of airports of the Moscow aviation hub - "Sheremetyevo", "Vnukovo", "Domodedovo", as well as airports in Kaluga region, Ivanovo, Yeisk and "Pulkovo" airport in St. Petersburg. Have highly skilled professionals, a large park of road construction machinery, production bases in Moscow and Moscow region. Working on the construction of CKAD (Central Ring Road), Dmitrov bypass, road network repair in Moscow and Moscow region and junction construction works at km 46 of Dmitrovskoye shosse.
www.centrodorstroy.ruConference Sponsor

Supported by

The Joint-Stock Company Federal Freight was established on August 26, 2010. The company is a subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways and is one of the largest freight rail operators in Russia.
The main activity of JSC Federal Freight is to provide its own rolling stock for transportation, as well as to provide freight forwarding and other services. The rolling stock fleet of JSC Federal Freight totals 160,000 rolling stock units.
In the first half of 2014 the total volume of transported cargo of JSC Federal Freight amounted to 74 million tons. This is a 15.8% increase compared to the same period last year. The total freight turnover of train cars in the first half of the year amounted to 159.9 billion tonne-kilometres, which exceeds last year's figures by 32.2 billion tonne-kilometres.
Fourteen branches of JSC Federal Freight operate throughout the Russian rail network.
Representative offices of JSC Federal Freight have been opened in Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
www.railfgk.ruSupported by

Closed joint-stock company "VAD" is formed 5/26/1994 of year. The general director - the Honourable worker of transport of Russia, honourable road builder of Russia Abramov Valery Vjacheslavovich. Joint-Stock Company "VAD" carries out all kinds of works at building, reconstruction, capital and operating repair of highways of all technical categories and airfields of airdromes. Carries out functions of the general contractor. The enterprise is a member of SRO NP of "FASHIONS" SOYUZDORSTROY». The certificate № 006.02-2009-7802059185-С-017 from August, 10th, 2010 Joint-Stock Company " VAD " has the license for realization of works with use of the data making the state secret. Registration number 3940 from 8/8/2008 Enterprise staff exceeds 2,5 thousand persons. All company management has the higher vocational education, and workers – high qualification. 19 persons are awarded ranks «Honourable road builder of Russia».
www.zaovad.comSupported by

NCSP Group is the largest port operator in Russia and the third-largest in Europe, in terms of cargo turnover. NCSP shares are traded on Russia's Moscow Exchange (ticker: NMTP) and on the London Stock Exchange in the form of GDRs (ticker: NCSP). NCSP Group cargo turnover in 2013 totalled 141 million tonnes. Consolidated revenue to IFRS in 2013 totalled USD 928 million and EBITDA was USD 510 million. NCSP Group consolidates the following companies: PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port, LLC Primorsk Trade Port, PJSC Novorossiysk Grain Terminal, OJSC Novorossiysk Ship Repair Yard, OJSC NCSP Flee.
www.nmtp.infoSupported by

Mostotrest is a major, diversified infrastructure construction company, with established presence in all core and related market segments, and a participant in Russia's first public-private partnership projects. Mostotrest's core competences include construction and reconstruction of bridges (including automobile road bridges, railway bridges and city bridges), roads and other transport infrastructure facilities; provision of road maintenance, repair and operating services; management of road concessions.
www.mostro.ruSupported by

Interdorstroy LLC is a road-building company established in 1998, whose volume of capital investments in recent years has increased up to 5.0 billion rubles per annum. Carries out works on construction, repair and reconstruction of motor roads and man-made structures. Has permits for performance of the whole range of construction works on motor roads, as well as fulfillment of functions of the general contractor and owner/developer. Cooperates with leading research, design and educational institutes (SoyuzdorNII, Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University, RosdorNII, GiprodorNII, Soyuzdorproekt, and GiproTransMost). Moreover, the Company's interests in various regions of Russia are represented by a network of branches.
www.interds.ruSupported by

Supported by

Aeroflot is Russia's flagship carrier and one of the largest airline groups in Europe. In 2013, its 90th anniversary year, Aeroflot carried 20.9 million passengers (31.4 million passengers as Aeroflot Group including subsidiaries). A proud member of the SkyTeam global airline alliance, Aeroflot and its partners serve more than 1,000 destinations in 177 countries worldwide. Aeroflot operates the youngest fleet in the world (among major airlines), numbering more than 150 airliners. In 2014 Aeroflot was named by SKYTRAX as the Best Airline in Eastern Europe for the third time.
www.aeroflot.ruSupported by

Research and Production Corporation "United Wagon Company" (RPC UWC) - is one of the leaders in innovative railcar building in the territory of "1520 mm railway gauge". The company is an integrated provider of services in engineering, manufacturing, operational leasing, freight transportation and maintenance of new generation freight cars. The company's fleet comprises more than 20,000 railcars (as of 01.12.2014).
www.uniwagon.com/enSupported by

FSUE "MORSVIAZSPUTNIK" is the Russian operator of the INMARSAT Global Mobile Satellite Communications System. The company offers a complete portfolio of communications and navigation services including mobile satellite communications for all kind of transport vehicles. Being a part of the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport of the Ministry of Russian Federation (Rosmorrechflot) Morsviazsputnik implements a number of state and national projects.
www.marsat.ruSupported by

Supported by

The OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «AUTOBANN» ROAD BUILDING COMPANY» performs full complex of works connected with building and reconstruction of motor roads of any technical category, may construct different engineering and hydraulic structures and also performs works connected with construction of oil and gas fields on requests from enterprises of oil and gas industry.
At present company's divisions have more than 1200 units of road building machines, devices, special motor transport.
The Company includes 14 structural divisions, average staff number 4000 thousands of people.
OJSC "RBC "AVTOBAN" has an opportunity to build and reconstruct average 200 km of motor roads with capital type of pavement including highways of the first technical category, produce nearly 1 mln tons of asphalt and concrete mixture.
Quality management system successfully operating in the company which complies with modern requirements GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001-2008) that is confirmed by Certificates in the certification system GOST R and International Certificates.