Business Partners
General Partner
“Russian Railways” JSC is one of the largest rail companies in the world with huge volumes of passenger and freight transportation. The company has high ratings, qualified specialists in all the spheres of the rail business, extensive scientific and technological basis, project and construction foacilities, experience in international cooperation. 100% of the stock of the company operating the railways network as long as 85,5 thousand kilometers belongs to the RF state. Russian Railways, OAO performs the transportation of 1,06 bln passengers and 1,27 bln tons of freight annually.
Russian Railways, JSC belongs to the top 3 of the leaders of the rail industry of the world.
The major objectives of the company – to ensure the demand opf the state, legal units and the people in rail transportation, work and services rendered by the rail transport, as well as bringing profit.
Strategic objectives of the Company:
- Increasing the scale of the transport business;
- Increasing the production and economic efficiency;
- Increasing the quality and safety of transportation;
- Deep integration into the Euro-Asian transport system;
- Increasing financial stability and efficiency.
General Bank
State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)” was established in 2007 in conformity with Federal Law On Bank for Development” through a transformation of Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR.
FSUE “Rosmorport” operates in 54 Russian Federation sea ports out of 63. More than 6 thousand employees in 16 subjects of Russia work at the enterprise.
The enterprise’s core activity is provision of safety navigation in the seaports water area and on the approaches alongside with efficient management of federal property in seaports and development of seaport infrastructure.
FSUE “Rosmorport” has become a backbone organization in a seaport sphere and the biggest title owner of coastal and port infrastructure and auxiliary fleet. A fleet of 29 different capacity diesel electric icebreakers is in the enterprise’s economical management, which is the biggest icebreaking fleet in the world.
The enterprise implements a complex of necessary managerial and engineering events dedicated to implement the Seaport Infrastructure Development Strategy till 2030 and the Russian Federation Transport Strategy till 2030.
FSUE “Rosmorport” provides private investments attraction to Russian seaport infrastructure development.
General Sponsor
Sibmost JSC is one of the leading bridge-building enterprises in the country, that on the basis of modern structures, materials, equipment and technologies implementation and usage provides the full complex of works on construction, reconstruction and repairing of highway and railroads with artificial constructions, bridges, overhead roads, flight strips, airports.
«Sibmost» constructed in Russia and CIS countries more than 4100 bridges and over roads with total length more than 400 km.
Sibmost JSC operates in 12 regions of Russia. The main customers of the Company are RF Ministry of transport, «RZD» OJSC, the Ministry of economic development and trade. Thanks to its production capacity and equipment capabilities, the Company may easily perform the scope of construction and installation works for more than 20 billion roubles per year.
General Sponsor
Russia’s largest shipping company and one of the largest five global leaders in seaborne energy solutions. Specializes in the transportation of crude oil, petroleum products and liquefied natural gas;
The Group offers a wide range of marine services for offshore upstream oil & gas projects. The company’s fleet includes 158 vessels with a total deadweight of more than 12 million tonnes;
The newest, most technically advanced and rapidly growing fleet in the world – the average age of vessels is 7,7 years;
The company services the largest offshore oil&gas projects in the world (current and prospective) - Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2, Varandey, Tangguh, Peregrino, Prirazlomnoye, Yamal LNG, Shtokman;
A key player in the development of Arctic navigation. SCF Group has opened up the Northern Sea Route for large-capacity cargo shipments and is steadily increasing its presence in the segments of marine logistics and supply services for the development of the largest hydrocarbon deposits of the Arctic region.
General of Registartion

The group of companies "Trud" is a large multi-activity enterprise of Siberia and the Far East.
Construction, repairing and maintenance of roads are carried out by the Public Joint Stock Company "Trud". The Company has 15 branches in six regions of Russia from Moscow region to Kuril Islands. "Trud" was involved in construction and reconstruction of federal highways M-58 "Amur " M-56 "Lena" M-4 "Don" M-1 "Belarus" M-53 "Baikal" , M - 2 "Kryim " M-10 "Scandinavia", repairing and reconstruction of runways of airports in Buryatia , Southern Kuril Islands and in Irkutsk.
The Company is a general contractor of Russian Federal Road Agency and Russian Federal Air Transport Agency.
Starting from 2004 "Trud", PJSC is a permanent winner of an annual contest “The best contractor” organized by the Association of Russian contractors. In 2009 "Trud", PJSC has commissioned 250 km of roads - a quarter of Russia's total volume. For its outstanding work the Company was awarded a Transport industry National Award “Zolotaya Kolesnitsa”.
In 2013 the Group of companies "Trud" celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Mostotrest is the largest diversified infrastructure and bridge-building company in Russia. Mostotrest’s core competences include construction and rehabilitation of automobile, railway and urban bridges, automobile roads and other transport infrastructure. The company was established in 1930 as a developer of complex and oversized bridges, and has built and rehabilitated more than 7,500 infrastructure projects (bridges, flyovers, tunnels and interchanges) to date. Mostotrest is currently implementing major infrastructure development projects across Russia, including transport infrastructure for the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Enthusiasts Avenue traffic interchange in Moscow, as well as infrastructure projects along M-4 Don, M-7 Volga and other highways.

The SK MOST Group of companies encompasses 15 bridge construction branches and 7 tunnel subdivisions.
There are more than 26000 specialists working in subdivisions of SK MOST Group today. The company owns over 5000 units of special construction equipment.
The largest construction projects of SK MOST Group of companies are:
• bridge crossing to the Russkiy Island over the Eastern Bosporus Strait;
• combined (rail and motor) road from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana;
• new Kuznetsovsky railway tunnel;
• subway section in Moscow;
• reconstruction of Roki Tunnel

The State Transport Leasing Company (STLC) is engaged in the leasing of diverse technology and equipment to the business companies operating in all sectors of the transportation industry and other economic domains. Since 2009 STLC has been implementing specialized leasing programs within the framework of supporting the government policies seeking to upgrade the enterprises dealing with the management of Public Roads and Utilities, Urban and Regional Transport Systems. STLC is ranked among the TOP 10 Russian Leasing Companies, according to the rating by Expert RA agency. The sole shareholder of JSC STLC is the Russian Federation. The Russian Ministry of Transport is charged with the responsibility of performing management functions.
STLC has been pursuing its operations in all the regions across Russia and maintaining cooperation with the leading local and international manufacturers of equipment and machinery. The State Transport Leasing Company (STLC) can offer much more attractive terms for the leasing of equipment than other domestic market players. Seasonal payment adjustment and various payment schedules can be negotiable. STLC has been maintaining close collaboration with all the core Ministries, competent Federal agencies and major banks of the Russian Federation.


Airports of Regions is the largest airport holding of Russia, with the Renova Group as its strategic investor. Currently, the group includes Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, Samara Kurumoch International Airport, and Nizhny Novgorod International Airport; their aggregate passenger figure was in 2012 more than 6.4 million. Airports of Regions holding company makes use of the private-public partnership mechanism to implement comprehensive development programs of major Russian air transport nodes by setting up new, modern, high-tech infrastructure (passenger and cargo terminals, airport hotels, operational and transport facilities); developing extensive air links among Russian regions and other countries; restoring intraregional air services discontinued after the collapse of the Soviet Union; introducing uniform corporate management standards; streamlining operational and technological processes — thus creating all conditions for successful development of aviation business and air services in Russia.

MDС-GROUPis a multi-industry engineering holding, specializing at managing complex building and reconstruction projects of transport infrastructure. It joints 12 companies where more than 2500 highly qualified specialists work. The area of the MDС-GROUP units includes more than 40 regions of country from Murmansk to Magadan. The annual output goes beyond 12 milliard rubles.

LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT" was established in 2002 by ESN Group and the European power company ENEL. Today "RUSENERGOSBYT" is one of the largest energy supply companies operating in the Russian Federation.
The company supplies electricity to more than 60 regions from Saint Petersburg to the Far East. "RUSENERGOSBYT" operates as a Guarantee Supplier on the federal level having obtained this status in the territory of 18 constituents of the Russian Federation.
Client portfolio of "RUSENERGOSBYT" consists of more than 200 thousand customers including strategic corporations of the country, small and medium enterprises, residentials. Among "RUSENERGOSBYT" key clients – JSC Russian Railways, JSC KAMAZ, GAZ Group, OJSC SOLLERS, Air Liquide Group, retail chain MAGNIT. Annual volume of sales exceeds 50 bln kWh, in 2012 sales has increased by 13%.
The key business goal of "RUSENERGOSBYT" is minimizing costs for our customers and developing an extensive infrastructure for building long-term relationships with consumers.
Conference Sponsor

Russian Highways State Company «AVTODOR». Formation and development of the national highway and motorway network. Implementation of concession contracts and other PPP projects in road infrastructure sector. Development of roadside infrastructure including multifunctional road service areas. Implementation of innovative programs in road sector.
Conference Sponsor

NCSP Group is the largest port operator in Russia and the third-largest in Europe, in terms of cargo turnover. NCSP Group cargo turnover in 2012 totalled 159 million tonnes. Consolidated revenue according to IFRS in 2012 totalled USD 1,034 million and EBITDA was USD 591.5 million. NCSP Group consolidates the following companies: PJSC “Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port”, LLC “Primorsk Trade Port”, PJSC “Novorossiysk Grain Terminal”, OJSC “Novorossiysk Ship Repair Yard”, OJSC “NCSP Fleet”, OJSC “NLE”, OJSC “IPP”, CJSC “Baltic Stevedore Company”, and CJSC “SFP”.
Conference Sponsor

Research and Production Corporation “Uralvagonzavod” is the largest Russian machine-building complex incorporating more than 30 industrial enterprises, design offices, and research institutes in Russia and Europe. As a leading manufacturer in the railway sector, URALVAGONZAVOD makes great progress in implementation of Russia Railway Transport Development Strategy 2030. Development of innovative advanced railway products, continuous implementation of new railway vehicles, and extension of the product family enable URALVAGONZAVOD to confidently face the future.
Supported by

Closed joint-stock company "VAD" is formed 5/26/1994 of year. The general director - the Honourable worker of transport of Russia, honourable road builder of Russia Abramov Valery Vjacheslavovich. Joint-Stock Company "VAD" carries out all kinds of works at building, reconstruction, capital and operating repair of highways of all technical categories and airfields of airdromes. Carries out functions of the general contractor. The enterprise is a member of SRO NP of "FASHIONS" SOYUZDORSTROY". The certificate № 006.02-2009-7802059185-С-017 from August, 10th, 2010 Joint-Stock Company " VAD" has the license for realization of works with use of the data making the state secret. Registration number 3940 from 8/8/2008 Enterprise staff exceeds 2,5 thousand persons. All company management has the higher vocational education, and workers – high qualification. 19 persons are awarded ranks "Honourable road builder of Russia".
Supported by

CJSC “Transmashholding” (TMH) – is the major vehicle manufacturing company of Russia. It manufactures diesel & electric locomotives and rail buses, passenger cars and freight wagons, metro cars, diesel engines for different purposes, car casting. TMH performs repair of electric multiple units, passenger cars and metro cars. The company is a key supplier of rolling stock for the JSC Russian Railways.
Supported by

Open Joint Stock Company “Federal Freight” is one of Russia’s largest railway freight operators. It is focused on making available its own rolling stock for freight traffic and providing transportation, forwarding and other services. Federal Freight’s wagon park consists of 162 thousand units of rolling stock.
The priority market segments of JSC Federal Freight include the following:
- ferrous metal transportation;
- coal transportation;
- mineral and fertilizer transportation;
- construction freight transportation.
Federal Freight runs 14 branches across the territory covered by Russian railways. Representative offices of Federal Freight are opened in Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supported by

Aeroflot is Russia’s flagship airline and the largest national air company. Proudly being a member of the SkyTeam global airline alliance, Aeroflot with its partnering members provides service to more than 1024 destinations in 178 countries. Aeroflot operates one of the most modern and youngest fleets in Europe counting 141 aircraft with an average airplane age between 5 and 6 years old. In 2012 Aeroflot carried 17.7 million passengers (27.5 million passengers as Aeroflot Group). In 2013 Aeroflot was for the second time awarded by SKYTRAX as The Best Airline in Eastern Europe.
Supported by

Interdorstroy LLC is a road-building company established in 1998, whose volume of capital investments in recent years has increased up to 5.0 billion rubles per annum. Carries out works on construction, repair and reconstruction of motor roads and man-made structures. Has permits for performance of the whole range of construction works on motor roads, as well as fulfillment of functions of the general contractor and owner/developer. Cooperates with leading research, design and educational institutes (SoyuzdorNII, Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University, RosdorNII, GiprodorNII, Soyuzdorproekt, and GiproTransMost). Moreover, the Company’s interests in various regions of Russia are represented by a network of branches.
Supported by

FSUE “MORSVIAZSPUTNIK” is the Russian licensed operator of the INMARSAT Global Mobile Satellite Communications System. The company offers a complete portfolio of communications and navigation services including mobile satellite communications for all kind of transport vehicles. Being a part of the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport of the Ministry of Russian Federation (Rosmorrechflot) Morsviazsputnik implements a number of state and national projects.
Supported by

United Wagon Company incorporated in 2012 to manage Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant and RAIL1520, an operating lessor.
United Wagon Company’s aim is to develop an integrated provider of railway services, including the manufacturing, operating lease, engineering and maintenance of freight cars. Its strategic objective is to become a leader in the 1520 gauge region.
Supported by

TMH Service
Supported by

BaltTransServis, LLC was established in 1999 in St.-Petersburg as a part of group «GlobalTrance». BaltTransServis, LLC is one of the largest private operator-companies specializing on bulk-oil cargo railroad transportation in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries. BaltTransServis, LLC has 1 branch – car-repair depot in Ivanovo and 8 representative offices in Moscow, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Samara, Murmansk, Kaliningrad and Dno.
Among the company’s clients there are the largest oil-companies, such as OAO « Rosneft», OAO « Gazprom Neft», OAO «TAIF-NK « and a number of leading domestic and foreign traders of oil cargo.
«BaltTransServis», LLC operates own train-formations on the routes of Russian Railways - North, Moscow, October, Kuibyshev, North-Caucasus, South-East, Kaliningrad, as well as on the railways of Estonia and Latvia.
Supported by

Rail Garant Group is one of the leaders of Russian railway transportation market of industrial goods.
The wide range of transported goods includes coal, iron ore, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and raw materials for their production, refined petroleum products, liquefied gases and chemicals.
Rail Garant ranked 4th in Russian market of rail car operators (Infranews Research Agency)The total fleet of the Group consists of 38 000 rail cars (gondola cars, box cars, tank cars, flat cats, cement cars, rail car transporters) and tank-containers.Annual traffic volume reached 35,5 mln tons.
Shareholders of Rail Garant Group are Sergey Smyslov and Sergey Guschin
Supported by

EVRAZ is a vertically integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy and South Africa. EVRAZ is among the top 20 steel producers in the world based on crude steel production of 15,9 million tonnes in 2012. A significant portion of the company's internal consumption of iron ore and coking coal is covered by its mining operations. The Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250. EVRAZ employs approximately 110 000 people. The company's consolidated revenues for the year ended 31 December 2012 were US$14,726 million, and consolidated EBITDA amounted to US$2,012 million.
При поддержке

New Forwarding Company is among the leaders in organising transportation of metals, production of mining and processing companies, oil and other products. The company has its own rolling stock and locomotive fleet, a single 24/7 dispatcher centre and cars repair division. With its broad network of branches, the company is capable of rapidly making transportation arrangements, timely supplying railcars and of keeping track of cargo movement along the entire route. The company’s major customers are Russia’s largest industrial companies. New Forwarding Company is part of the Globaltrans Investment PLC.