Welcome Letters

Dear friends,
Today is the first day of the 13th International Forum and Exhibition “Transport of Russia”. This is the first business event of the Transport Week, the main event of our professional community. It's good to see that you are becoming more interested in the Week each year, how productively you work at the forum. Welcome to Gostiny Dvor!
We will have a traditionally full agenda. It includes the most relevant issues for the development of the industry. The results of the first implementation year of the Integrated Modernization Plan and Expansion of the Trunk Infrastructure and the National Project “Safe and Quality Automobile Roads” will be discussed. We will talk about promotion of investments in large projects, improving the quality of transportation, its accessibility and safety.
Moreover, the topic of integration in the Eurasian space is the focus of attention. The combined booth of EAEU member states will be presented at the exhibition for the first time. The Ministers of Transport of these countries will participate in the events concerning integration and transit issues.
Within more substantive discussions following issues will be reviewed: the issues of most effective conditions for infrastructure projects, the efficient use of resources, the improvement of the transport industry’s competitiveness, the creation of joint security area, the development of national specialized education and human resources.
This year's business program has a strong regional aspect. Great attention will be paid to the digital agenda. The association “Digital Transport and Logistics” will present the results of its project work.
I am sure that the forum and the exhibition will become a comfortable space for the exchange of experience and the generation of new ideas on prospective lines of development of the national transport complex.
Evgeny Ditrich
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation