May 23, 2008 |
9.00 - 10.00 |
Registration of delegates
10.00 - 13.00 |
«How can the trust be regained?»
- Development and modernization of the shipping hydraulic engineering constructions
- Solution of the «deliveries of goods to the Northern Territories of Russia»
- Destiny of the river shipping companies: demand for services in the transport and logistical market
- Who is ready to invest in resumption of the large-scale river shipping in Russia?
- Modern approaches to the estimation of technical condition of various types of ships
- State and Private partnership as an effective instrument to implement the pilot projects in the river shipping
- Are there any perspectives to double transportation by 2015?
- What river boats are required for the river shipping?
Roman Trotsenko, President, Moscow River Shipping
Alexander Misharin, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Oleg Shakhmardanov, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Egor Borisov, Prime Minister of Sakha Republic
Nikolay Smirnov, President of Association of Liners Companies
Igor Romashov, Vice-president, Rosneft
Rishat Bagautdinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Volga River Shipping Corporation
Sergey Italyantsev, Director General, AKS-Invest
«Transport safety: task or instrument?»
- High technologies for monitoring of the transport safety: introduction experience and updating
- Legislative support of the transport safety and law-enforcement practice of the new federal law «On the Transport Safety»
- Peculiarities of transportation of dangerous cargoes by various modes of transport
- Compliance with the standards of environmental safety
Vitaly Yefimov, President of Russian Transport Workers Union
Gennady Denisyuk, Director of Department for transport safety and special programs of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Chertok, DeputyHead of the Federal Service for supervision in the sphere of Transport of the Russian Federation
Roland Lipp, President, StrassenHaus
Konstantin Pulikovski, Head of the Federal Service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision
Vladimir Bugromenko, Director, Geograkom
Nikolay Reshetov, DeputyCEO, Security Service
Alexei Haritonov, DeputyCEO, Railway Security Service
Viktor Parahin, DeputyCEO, ZashitaInfoTrans
13.00 - 14.00 |
14.00 - 16.00 |
«GLONASS: national project or business?»
- Introduction of technologies of satellite navigation and digital cartography in the interests of innovative economic development of Russia
- Market analysis of the navigation systems in Russia; competitive advantages of the GLONASS over GPS
- Topical requirements of consumers with respect to technical - technological completion of the GLONASS and their reflection in the Federal target program «Global navigation system»
- Possibilities for serial production of GLONASS - receivers (and combined GLONASS /GPS) for the wide range of users and development of infrastructure for the mass commercial use of the GLONASS services
- Working out of is standard-legal base in the field of creation and use of digital navigation charts and navigation activity
Fedor Samohin, Deputy Head of Transport and Communication Department, Sochi Administration
Alexander Gurko, Director General, М2М Telematica
Albert Eganyan, Managing Partner, Vegas-Lex
Kirill Popov, Regional Development Director, Russian Navigation Systems
Vladimir Finko, Technical Director, Transnavigation
«To catch up with the growth of transportation volume»
- Perspectives of building toll roads
- What is the price for victory over lack of road infrastructure?
- Regions of Russia: comparative analysis of the motorways condition
- Problems of economic development of territories in the vicinity of highways
- Transition to the complex legislative regulation of the sphere of road economy
Boris Gukaylo, Director General, GIPRODORNII
Oleg Belozerov, Head of the Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Valery Shantsev, Governor of the Nizhniy Novgorod Region
Roland Lipp, President, StrassenHaus
Alexander Poteryakhin, Deputy Head of Administration of Coordinated Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Southern Federal District
Sergey Fakhretdinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, STEKLNONiT
Alexander Chernykh, Vice-president, BL GROUP
Oleg Virolaynen, Chairman of Committee for improvement and road facilities, Administration of St. Petersburg
«Regulatory support as basis for innovative development of railways»
- Competition development and increase of investment potential in freight transportation with owned trains
- Certification
Sergey Gushin, Deputy Director General, FESCO Transport Group
Andrey Nedosekov, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Alexander Bolotskiy, Head of Department for State Policy on the Railways, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Alan Lushnikov, acting Head of the Federal Agency for Railways
Vladimir Bubnov, Head, Register of Certification on the Railroad Transport
Irina Chiganashkina, Deputy Chairman, Association of Rolling-Stock Owners
Dmitry Bolotov, Seniour Deputy Director General, Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port
16.00-16.30 |
16.30-19.00 |
«Road haulers: head for the aggressive growth»
- Is there a competition aggravation, including the interbranch one on the international transport routes?
- Introduction of Euro-3 and Euro-4 standards in Russia
- Why does the customs permit?
- How can stable functioning of TIR convention be achieved in Russia?
- Minimization of damage to auto carriers resulting from fluctuations of cost of fuel and component parts
Petr Pavlyuk, Head of Department for Transport Management, Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP)
Oleg Starovojtov, Director of the Department of the state policy in the sphere of road infrastructure, passenger transport, geodesy and cartography of the RF Ministry of Transport
Stanislav Shvagerus, General Director, Self-governing association of automobile carriers
Anatoly Tyan, Director General, Sovtransavto
Vladimir Finko, Technical Director, Transnavigation
Dmitriy Danilov, Technical Director, STEKLNONiT Management
Vladimir Vlasov, Professor, Ph.D., Department Chairman, MADI
«Great sea power - are the ambitions proved?»
- Have the purposes of working out of the Russian and International courts been reached?
- Tendencies of development of the sea shipping companies: merge and absorption transactions
- Port charges: how can competitiveness be provided?
- Supply of ships to the Russian fleet
- Ratification of the Maritime Labor Convention and management of human resources in the sea industry
Yury Parfyonov, Director General, Rosmorport
Alexander Davydenko, Head of the Federal Agency for the sea and river transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Nadezhda Litvinova, Head of the Department for ports, the RF Federal Agency for Special Economic Zones
Alexey Klyavin, Director of Department of the state policy in the field of sea and river transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Grigoriy Minaev, Head of transport and communication department, Krasnodar region
Igor Vilinov, Director General,Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port
«Air transport: strategic resource or business assets?»
- How many airports-hubs does Russia require?
- Competition of the Russian aircraft industry production in the international market in a segment of regional courts
- Changes under preparation in the access procedure for the Russian airlines to work in the international routes
- Perspectives of effective regulation of the market of the aviation fuel
- Struggle for the air transit routes and the Trans-Siberian route: problem of collecting of fees for flights over the Russian territory
- Market of the charter transportations
- Competition of air and railway transportations: who will win the fight?
- Scarcity of flights: from grants to effective management
- Development of domestic air routes
Boris Abramovich, Director General, AirUnion
Boris Korol, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Bachurin, Head of Federal Agency for the Air Transport of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Tasun, Director of Department of state policy in the field of civil aircraft of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Denis Pavshinsky, Director General, Region-Avia
Evgeniy Tumel, Deputy CEO, Sheremetyevo International Airport
Sergey Morozov, Governor-Chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region
Denis Glinutsa, Commercial Director, Volga – Dnepr
Uwe Mainberg, Director, Fraunhofer Application Center for Logistics Systems Planning and Informationsystems
Alexander Novak, First Deputy Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region
Vasiliy Alexandrov, Director General, Vnukovo Airport
21.00 - 24.00 |
Ceremonial reception on behalf of Mr. Igor E. Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
May 24, 2008 |
8.30 - 10.00 10.00 10.00 |
Registration of delegates
Welcoming Address
Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
10.20 – 13.00 |
Panel discussion
«Transport of Russia – accessibility and attractiveness»
Creation of dynamically developing and steadily functioning balanced national transport system is the necessary precondition for the economy expansion. It is obvious that implementation of such problem requires coordination of all the branches and levels of the power and business and various social classes in the execution of the program documents. According to the Federal target program «Development of transport system of Russia untill 2020» the main objectives are the achievement of new quality of services and their availability and reliability.
Ernest Matskyavichyus, host of the program «Vesti» and «Vesti plus» of the television channel «Russia»
Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Valeriy Shantsev, Governor of the Nizhniy Novgorod Region
Boris Abramovich, Director General, AirUnion
Anatoliy Ballo, DeputyChairman, Vnesheconombank
Dmitry Komissarov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Technological Company
Denis Pavshinsky, Director General, GC Region-Avia
Vyacheslav Prikhodko, Rector, MADI
13.00 – 14.00 |
Briefing of Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
14.00 – 15.00 |
16.00 - 18.00 |
Reception on behalf of Mr. Alexander Tkachev, Governor of the Krasnodar Territory