AGENDA of the XXVIII session of the Coordinating Transport Meeting of the CIS member states
(Sochi, May 23, 2008)
1. On the unification of the transport legislation of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States
President of the International Transport Academy A.A.Kondratyev
2. On the unification of the transport education in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Chairman of the CIS CTM Science and Education Council, Rector of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering B.A.Liovin
3. On actualization of the project of the Basic directions of the market development of the international motor transportation services
Association of International Automobile Carriers of the Russian Federation (ASMAP)
4. On the activity of the Working group on the development of proposals for cooperation in the sphere of the coordinated transport policy of the CIS member states, created according to the Decision of Council of Heads of States of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Stats-Secretary, Deputy minister of Transport of the Russian Federation S.A.Aristov (Chairman of the Working group)
5. On the results of the pilot operation of the modern version of the program complex «Transport Control» and suggestions with respect to the complex introduction in the countries of the Commonwealth
CIS CTM Transport Information Council, JSC "Company "TransTeleCom - Business»
6. On the Draught Agreement on sharing and development of the international transport corridors which are passing the territory of the CIS member states
President of the International Transport Academy A.A.Kondratyev
6.1. On the project of organization of the multipurpose logistical centers of the European level in the Nizhniy Novgorod area
Volga Region Logistical Association
7. Information report of the CIS Executive Committee on the next forthcoming session of the Council of Heads of Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Minsk on May 25, 2008
Executive Committee of the CIS
8. On the holding of the next XXIX session of the CIS CTM
Chairman of the CIS CTM, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation I.E.Levitin
8.1. On the estimate approval of the CIS CTM Executive committee financing for 2009
Vice-President of the CIS CTM Executive Committee N.G.Shebarshina